Shocking: Super Star Player Claims That His Worst Play Decision Came In Texas’ Championship Victory Against USC.

As an offensive mastermind for many years, Texas Longhorns head coach Steve Sarkisian has made some shrewd decisions. He’s among the most gifted players in college football when it comes to accumulating yards and scoring points. Even the greatest, though, may remember instances from their past that both make them cringe in retrospect and molded them into the coaches they are now.

Sarkisian and presenter and Fox Sports expert Joel KIatt had a recent Big Noon Conversation. During the conversation, Sarkisian was asked about his worst play call by Klatt.

According to Fox Sports, Sarkisian stated, “I know exactly what it was: fourth-and-2, USC playing Texas in the national championship game.”

Texas coach Steve Sarkisian on recruiting process with Arch Manning
According to Fox Sports: “… Sarkisian was coaching USC’s quarterbacks against the Longhorns in the Rose Bowl of 2006.” With a 38-33 advantage, the Trojans were only 2:13 away from making history by becoming the first team to win the national championship three times in almost 70 years. On a fourth-and-2 play, USC had to gain two yards from Texas’ 44-yard line. Sarkisian chose to pass the ball to running back LenDale White rather than Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush. White was sacked just in front of the first-down marker after failing to get past Texas’ front. White was unable to secure the first down, as demonstrated by a measurement.

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